• Chamber Ambassadors

  • ambassadors.jpg
  • Around 30 volunteers from Chamber member businesses make up the Chamber Ambassadors, who act as a welcoming committee and public relations group for the Chamber. Ambassadors are active and visible in the area by representing the Chamber at ribbon cutting ceremonies, Business After Hours and many other Chamber events- with their signature green jackets, of course.

    Ambassadors represent the Chamber and the city of Ottawa year-round, and are an essential part of the Chamber’s success. They assist and volunteer for special events and visit new and potential members as well as current members. The Chamber Ambassadors are proud of Ottawa and proud to be apart of the Chamber, and actively share that enthusiasm with others.

    Chamber members may request that the Ambassadors attend ribbon cuttings, groundbreakings, and open houses to enhance their event. Contact the Chamber today if you have an upcoming event and would like the Ambassadors to attend.

    Interested in becoming an Ambassador? Let us know by emailing us at info@ottawachamberillinois.com or giving us a call at 815-433-0084 and we'll get you in contact with the current Ambassadors president!


  • Laurie Duffell
    Ambassador President

    Ottawa Savings Bank

    Richard Crum
    Heritage Harbor

    Tammy Barry
    Heritage Harbor

    Christy Carpenter
    Caselli Insurance & Real Estate

    Dr. David Clayton
    Fox Valley Veterinary Hospital, P.C.

    DeWayne Cronkright
    Jeremiah Joe Coffee

    Don Harris
    First National Bank of Ottawa

    Robert Hasty
    Farmers Insurance- Robert Hasty Agency

    Linda Johnson
    Bill Walsh Automotive Group

    Thomas Justice, Jr.
    The Justice Law Firm PC

    Tami Koppen
    City of Ottawa

    Matt Mooneyham
    Marseilles Bank

    Shelly Munks
    City of Ottawa

    Doug Patterson
    Streator Onized Credit Union

    Mark Platt
    Edward Jones- Financial Advisor

    Heather Pursley
    Post & Prairie

    Chanel Renkosik
    B.A.S.H. (Burger and Sushi House)

  • Sandy Robinson
    Ottawa Sunrise Rotary

    George Shanley
    Coldwell Banker Real Estate Group

    Jay McCracken
    Chamber Staff

    Ottawa Area Chamber of Commerce

    Caitlyn Carrier
    Chamber Staff
    Ottawa Area Chamber of Commerce

    John Caruso
    Senior Ambassador

    Jeannie Eltrevoog
    Senior Ambassador

    Anna Johnson
    Senior Ambassador


    Kathy Kellogg
    Senior Ambassador

    Peter McGrath
    Senior Ambassador

    IIP Insurance Agency, Inc

    Art Mueller
    Senior Ambassador

    Mueller Funeral Home

    Robert Paglis
    Senior Ambassador

    Neil Reinhardt
    Senior Ambassador

    Lakeshore Beverage 

    Curt Sesto
    Senior Ambassador


    Meg Skelly
    Senior Ambassador

    Progress Park Veterinary Hospital

    Bill Walsh, Jr.
    Senior Ambassador

    Bill Walsh Automotive Group

  • Welcome New Members!
